
High School Senior Photos

This morning I was speaking to parent who scheduled a session for me to photograph her daughter. While we were talking she asked me why I don’t specifically have a section for Seniors on my website. I explained to her that, to me, Senior portraits aren’t different from any other portraits. If you group Senior portraits into it’s own style, then you’ve set limits on the images.

I don’t like to force portraits into different categories. Instead, I shoot portraits that suit the individual regardless of their age. For this reason, many of my photos of High School Seniors aren’t always readily identifiable as such. I’ve been told that they have an editorial look to them.

Here are a few examples of some different “Senior” portraits I’ve taken.





This morning, my client understood what I meant, after all she selected to me to shoot her daughter’s portraits and wants something different and unique.

As with most of my portraits, I prefer to meet with my clients in advance of a shoot. This give us a chance to meet and discuss what they are looking for. This also gives us the opportunity to talk about wardrobe, location, image style, and any other variables that may come into play.

So, just in case you were wondering, yes I do shoot Senior portraits. 🙂

Thanks for reading!
