
How you see the world matters.

Sometimes it’s refreshing to have a change of perspective. It makes old things seem new because you see them differently. As a photographer, it is sometimes difficult to find a new way to look at the world and re-introduce creativity into your work.

If you’ve read this blog the last couple of weeks, you’ve been bored ad nauseam with my praise for my new Leica M camera. It is a rangefinder camera. So it uses a technology that is almost 100 years old for the photographer to manually focus the camera. (What is a rangefinder camera? Click here.)

So, what’s the inspirational difference between shooting with DSLR and a rangefinder?

The viewfinder.

When using a DSLR you are looking thru a lens and when using a rangefinder, you are looking thru a window.

I know that sounds kinda goofy, but it’s true. Sometimes inspiration, motivation, and a fresh perspective can come from unexpected places. When you find them, embrace those places and visit them frequently.

Tarragon. © Ken Rieves

Tarragon. © Ken Rieves

Thanks for reading.
